20 years ago, Lady Diana’s accident

In the night of August 30th to 31st 1997, Lady Diana, Princess of Wales, died from the consequences of a dramatic car accident in the Alma Tunnel, Paris.
Find on Ina MEDIAPRO a selection of contents on this drama, with in particular, exclusively, the 3D images of the company Virdys proposing a reconstruction of this tragic event.

Selection of clips

  • Accident witnesses

  • Programme title: Edition spéciale : décès de Lady Diana
  • First broadcast date: sunday 31/08/1997

  • Programme title: F2 Le Journal 20H
  • First broadcast date: monday 01/09/1997

  • Programme title: F2 Le Journal 20H
  • First broadcast date: wednesday 03/09/1997

  • Programme title: F2 Le Journal 20H
  • First broadcast date: tuesday 16/09/1997
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