Discover the first TV appearances of the members of the new French government.
Surprises and unseen footage are there!
Macron French government
Selection of clips
Social and Liberal Generation
- Programme title: Tribune libre
- First broadcast date: friday 23/05/1975
Windsurfing Championship
- Programme title: FR3 spécial sports
- First broadcast date: sunday 04/09/1977
Lorient, reopening of sopromer plant under discussion
- Programme title: Bretagne actualités
- First broadcast date: tuesday 25/10/1977
Parliamentary elections: portrait of Gérard Collomb
- Programme title: Le magazine
- First broadcast date: wednesday 24/06/1981
The development of rural villages
- First broadcast date: wednesday 26/09/1984
François Bayrou on vocational training
- First broadcast date: saturday 15/06/1985
Publisher portrait: NYSSEN actes sud
- Programme title: A2 Le Journal 20H
- First broadcast date: saturday 20/05/1989
Strasbourg: ENA 95-97 promotion named after 'Marc BLOCH'
- Programme title: Alsace soir
- First broadcast date: monday 22/01/1996
Games Olylmpiques of Atlanta 1996: portrait of fencer Laura Flessel, gold medal
- Programme title: 19/20 2EME
- First broadcast date: monday 22/07/1996
Richard Ferrand, new President of GALCOB
- Programme title: Locale Iroise
- First broadcast date: friday 29/10/1999
Sylvie Goulard about the European Union
- Programme title: Mots croisés
- First broadcast date: monday 11/10/2004
Loka: emotion
- Programme title: 12 13
- First broadcast date: monday 01/05/2006
Health campaign: bone marrow donations
- Programme title: 13 heures
- First broadcast date: thursday 16/11/2006
Jean-Louis Debré estate in Evreux
- Programme title: JT Haute Normandie soir
- First broadcast date: monday 26/02/2007
Millau viaduct receives international award
- Programme title: JT Locale Rodez
- First broadcast date: wednesday 05/12/2007
Tourcoing, Darmanin campaign manager of Vanneste files an administrative appeal
- Programme title: JT soir Nord Pas de Calais
- First broadcast date: friday 21/03/2008
High school students: what demands?
- Programme title: 20 heures
- First broadcast date: thursday 27/03/2008
The Faculty of Medicine of Nice ranked first in France
- Programme title: 19 20 Edition Nice
- First broadcast date: wednesday 29/08/2012